それ以外にも動詞で「値段を交渉で決める」「交渉する」や、名詞で「交渉・取引」といった意味で使われるので政治やビジネス用語としても普通に見かける言葉です。 Procureの代わりにobtainを使用しても同じです。 Shall procure…という表現が登場した場合,「…を取得しなければならない」という義務を表します。 なので,取得の対象となるものは何なのか,頻度はどの程度かなどをチェックし,義務を課される側は履行可能性を判断しなければなりません。 3, to gain knowledge or learn a skill. On the other hand purchasing is a form of buying that consists in getting the goods or services by paying a certain amount of price or money. 2, to get or gain something. The college acquired a reputation for very high standards.
品詞としては副詞と形容詞の違いがありますが、ともに意味が「自由に(フリー)」になってしまうので、日本人には違いや使い分けが非常にわかりにくい言葉になっています。 Procurement vs Purchasing. She has gained a reputation as a good communicator. 偏差値30から早稲田慶應に合格するための日本で唯一の予備校です。 Direct purchasing involves the method of paying cash or money directly and getting the goods or the services delivered to your house. Procurement is just to obtain, you could steal it, buy it, retrieve it from a cupboard etc. To buy, obtain by payment of a price in money or its equivalent. Procurement Operations Desk の機能 組み込み型で拡張性のあるインテリジェントな機能により調達・購買業務の生産性とパフォーマンスを飛躍的に高めます。 The movie earned £7 million on its first day. To pursue and obtain; to acquire by seeking; to gain, obtain, or acquire. いくつか異なる表現を挙げてみました。 それぞれの回答を直訳すると、以下のような意味になります。 【回答1】「資金を調達する」 どれもほぼ同じ意味で使うことが出来ます。 - find financing 財源を見つける、というイメージです。 - procure/raise funds (money) - … All rights reserved. (obsolete) To cause to come; to bring; to attract. 回答を翻訳.
これはget sickという単語からもわかりますね。頑張って病気になる人はいませんので。。, 目的語には、他の単語と比べると比較的広い意味で使用することができます。一般的に広く使われる単語だけにいろいろな単語に使うことができます。. It is thus understood from the definition given above that both procurement and purchasing have the factors of quality and quantity common between them. “ほしいと思っていた、必要だと思っていたものを努力を通して手に入れる”というのが、この単語の意味になります。また、“ただ単に量が増える”という意味でも使用します。, 目的語には、利益(profit),人気(popularity)や名声(reputation),支配(control)などが来ることが多いようです。抽象的な概念を手にするという意味が強いので、”gain a present” のような具体的な物体が目的語になることは少ないです。, 1, to obtain or achieve something you want or need. It relates only to the process of exchanging financial resources for the necessary goods and services. The council acquired the land using a compulsory purchase order. He spent years acquiring his skills as a surgeon. Further information can be obtained from head office. We get a lot of junk mail. I was the only person in the house who was earning. She bought up all the cookies in the store. The factors or quality and quantity are taken into account in the act of procurement. Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License; To obtain a person as a prostitute for somebody else. 出典:longman 現代英英辞典. purchaseとbuyの使い分け. She got loads of presents. That which is obtained, got or acquired, in any manner, honestly or dishonestly; property; possession; acquisition. is that procure is to acquire or obtain an item or service, sometimes rare, usually by extra effort while purchase is to pursue and obtain; to acquire by seeking; to gain, obtain, or acquire. Similarly an example of indirect procurement is lubricants.
There are two types of procurement called the direct procurement and the indirect procurement. You may be able to get a grant from the local authority. It would be a good idea to get professional advice. an opportunity to gain experience in a work environmentThe youngsters gradually gain confidence in their abilities. This is the main difference between procurement and purchasing. 2, to gradually get more and more of a quality, feeling etc, especially a useful or valuable one. Chris will pay – he’s earning a fortune. Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms. He spent years acquiring his skills as a surgeon. Indirect purchasing involves buying of goods or services through the third party sources.