The symbol of the monarchy on the seat of the speaker of the Quebec National Assembly / Image: Thomas1313. Christopher Moore, a Canadian author and historian, runs a blog called “History News,” which used to appear on my blogroll until I reciprocated Moore’s gesture of deletion.Yesterday, he wrote “Abolishing the Monarchy – What, Like It’s Hard?” in response to my analysis of the Macdonald-Laurier Institute’s Debate on the Crown: John Fraser vs Michael Bliss. Canada's head of state is Queen Elizabeth II. The Dominion of Canada is the formal and official - albeit rarely used - title for the nation that we all know as "Canada". I have no interest in putting a future King Charles on our money. Senate is the upper house of Parliament and house of commons is the lower house. At the same time, 48% of Canadians say that "the constitutional monarchy is outmoded and would prefer a republican system of government with an elected head of state" and two-thirds (65%) believe the royals are merely celebrities and should not have any formal role in Canada. The monarchy might have an extraordinarily ugly history, but now — even if we stop short of claiming that the royals have “no” political power — the role they play is mostly symbolic. We probably don't need to abolish the monarchy - it wouldn't really make much difference. The "monarchy in Canada" can imply the monarchy is like a guest in Canada, impermanent, whereas the "monarchy of Canada" speaks of something of the country, more permanent, ingrained. Ultimately, the monarchy would be left in the difficult position of proving a negative. The fall of Fort Detroit had a great effect in Upper Canada. If anglo Canadians really had any interest in building any sort of identity and securing a truly diverse Canada, they would abolish the monarchy and move forward. The point of the Crown is to have an organisation that is not interested in secret agendas. Why does Britain have a royal family? The slave-trading initiatives endorsed by the English monarchy began with Queen Elizabeth I’s enthusiastic support of John Hawkins’ slaving expeditions in the 1560s. And those duties are not all merely ceremonial. @SteveMelnikoff My renumbering may throw off your comments. In Economics the royal family directly gives 160 millions pounds in profits, directly. — The monarchy is what keeps Canada from being just another part of the United States. The YouGov survey data shows 44 percent of Candians strongly or somewhat support abolishing the monarchy in Canada, while 29 percent strongly or somewhat oppose the notion. If Britain were to abolish the monarchy, the royal family would likely have to give up property belonging to the Crown Estate – including Buckingham Palace. "There is no reason why this arrangement should … 49% of Canadians wanted to abolish the constitutional monarchy structure then and become a republic, with an elected head of state. The monarchy comprises the reigning monarch, his or her family, and the royal household organization which supports and facilitates the monarch in the exercise of his duties and prerogatives. Historically, the British establishment dislikes countries abolishing monarchies – because they worry people will get ideas. At the back there is a list of all the kings and queens "SOVEREIGN over Canada. Many Canadians would like to see a situation where the head of state is a Canadian and lives in Canada. Should Canada abolish the monarchy will lead to people telling you why they do or don't like the monarchy, what it symbolizes and so on. The monarchy in Canada costs Canadians millions and is very unnecessary. Throughout history there have always been king and/or Queens so why should we get rid of them now,they have always been there and they should stay. 49% of Canadians want to abolish the constitutional monarchy structure now and become a republic, with an elected head of state. The British monarchy is probably the most remarkable monarchy in the world and It adds a lot of prestige to those countries, but mainly in the UK. However, there is less than a 0.05% chance that it will ever be abolished. First, the Statute was the result of the Commonwealth Conference of 1926, which recognized that all of the Dominions were equals. Commonwealth countries should become republics or have their own monarchy. It is hard to see the monarchy in any way impeding Canada’s modern, progressive society—a world leader in everything from peace-keeping to Blackberries, from the Canadarm to environmental research. An Ipos Reid poll conducted in late October 2009 found that the majority 53% of Canadians want Canada to end its constitutional ties to the monarchy after the Queen dies. I'm tired of my money going to a senate that we do not vote for who takes up taxes dollars that could go fight crime, or hungery kids. 2015-09-09T10:45:04Z ... Norway, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Canada are all among the very best. The citizens of Canada are the ones who made the country their own with pride and dignity. Then you take away their wealth. Do you perhaps mean secede from the Commonwealth? ... Canada should follow Slovakia's example of having citizens do weekly rapid COVID test screenings, MPs hear. Abolishing the monarchy in Canada would be ‘enormously difficult,’ experts say Canada first became part of the British Commonwealth in 1931 as an independent state, and remains one of 54 Commonwealth nations to this day. But questions of monarchy can never be reduced to mere evaluations of the current king or queen. Image source: A monarchy is a form of government with a hereditary chain of command. And no that is not "racist" to say so - it is factual, we are talking about culture, not race and NO not all cultures are equal. Please provide 15 points FOR the issue and 15 points AGAINST the issue. Arguments that the monarchy should be abolished continue to pop up, and don’t show signs of going away. There are plenty of people who see the monarchy as an anachronism. A March survey in Canada found that 32% of Canadians would prefer an elected Head of State while only 27% prefer to keep the monarchy, but a … Also, 62% believe the monarchy helps to define Canada's identity. If it is important enough to recognize Quebec as a nation in the Canadian constitution, than surely it is important enough to abolish to monarchy from Canada. As a proud Canadian monarchist and traditionalist, we should keep it. A country that commits to monarchy has, after all, committed to a … Why Canada Needs the Monarchy. If Canada's monarchical head of state were causing serious problems and there was much to be gained by scrapping it, one might argue that Canadians should have the guts to … Canada’s political system is called a “constitutional monarchy,” which means an elected government with a queen or king. The historical, cultural and kinship links are cherished by many Canadians. Brian said that while the Queen has done an ‘incredible’ job, the monarchy should be abolished (Picture: Rex) Succession star Brian Cox thinks the monarchy should be abolished … Canada has become a country striving for change and embracing new things. A continuing debate in Canada centres on whether the nation should continue to have a monarchy. It’s no secret that our education system is wholly unfair, and if nationalisation of private schools will cost us money in the long term, it’s a price worth paying. The monarchy oversaw the rise and fall of the British Empire, which committed atrocities that continue to impact the world today. Graham Smith: There are three very simple reasons. While Canada does not have the power to abolish the British monarchy, the country can choose to sever ties with the royal family by removing the Queen as its official head of state. The first one is a matter of principle. Abolishing the monarchy would not erase Britain’s class divide overnight, but a republican form of … Calls for the U.K. to abolish the monarchy and become a republic are ever-present, but they tend to tick up during big, royal-centric events. The poll, conducted by … January 29, 2011, Hari M, Leave a comment. What Canadian would want to call a foreign national “Queen Elizabeth” as their ruler? Many of us adore the British monarchy… Canada has no monarchy, England does. Queen Elizabeth II should be the last Queen of Canada. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. But the Constitution limits her powers in government and she is generally considered a figurehead leader only. The British monarchy, which dates to the 11th century's William the Conqueror, technically rules over 16 countries, including Canada and Australia. Canada was once a colony of Britain and was under the form of monarchy. Cut the ties with the monarchy. Abolishing the monarchy shouldn’t be too tricky. First of all, the monarchy is undemocratic. Hitchens again provides useful perspective. And why? “Anti-monarchy campaigns tend to revolve around the injustice of the massive amounts of wealth and privilege commanded by a select few people lucky enough to be born into the right family,” the publication wrote. Australia moves to abolish the Monarchy The Right Way to End a Monarchy On 30th January 1649, Charles I was beheaded on a scaffold outside ... supported severing ties with the monarchy. Referendum on abolishing monarchy must be held when Queen dies, republicans demand 'It will be the first time most people have seen a change in the head of state' So, there has long been talk amongst Canadian republicans, those who wish to abolish the monarchy within Canada, to do just that. fully demonstrate us being an independent nation we must abolish the current monarchy, showing the world that we are no longer a colony of the British Empire. The argument that the UK should abolish the m onarchy and become a republic remains at the fringes of mainstream political debate. The interview exposed the Royal Family’s biggest flaws and proved why it is finally time to abolish the monarchy once and for all. To abolish the monarchy in the U.K., all that is required is a majority vote in its Parliament. My current point $7 goes to your first comment. Why do you want to see the British monarchy end? In me this induces a feeling I once described as pro-Windsor republicanism: the belief that we should abolish the monarchy if not for our sake, then for theirs. “They’ve got their side of the story out first,” Mr Farage said on Monday, stressing the point that “this is one side of a story and that actually they’ve behaved badly”. Abolishing the monarchy would probably have a greater impact on the British Channel Islands than the UK. Others believe she has an important role to play within Canada and Canadian government. Does anyone care? While some countries, including Greece and Bulgaria, abolished their monarchies through public referendum, royal commentator Marlene Koenig said the process is more complex than people think. Now, turning to the Statute of Westminster, there are four points I would make. Furthermore, The Guardian revealed that Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales and heir to the throne, has been offered the chance to veto 12 pieces of legislation in the last 6 years, for fears they would affect his own personal interests. So here are my five reasons why Canada should seriously consider abolishing the Crown and find a new source of sovereign authority. Should the monarchy be abolished? That is why I think that Europeans should abolish the monarchies, and in good time perhaps Canadians would wake up from their stupor saying”Well, if the British do not want them anymore, perhaps, we should discard them as well.” Otherwise, we will be a forgotten colony forever. Following yesterday's events which saw the Queen approve Boris Johnson's request to shut down parliament, there's a growing crescendo of social media clamouring to abolish the monarchy. Canada is a constitutional monarchy and our head of state is Queen Elizabeth. Abolish the relics of centuries ago of calling MPs 'Honourable" (I would argue they are less honourable than the rest of the population) Abolish the Order of Canada crap as it generally seems more of elite glorifying their peers, rewarding the already generously rewarded than anything else. Ultimately, the monarchy would be left in the difficult position of proving a negative. By Graham Smith, Special to CNN. ... Extremists who want to abolish the current government and start over Populists ... he was a British general in Canada who made over 2,000 U.S. troops surrender to the British in three hours. One role of a monarch is to protect and defend the historic nation, i.e. Many are saying it should be abolished and the reasons why have been stated in this essay. Nov 13th, 2005 9:04 pm. yes we should abolish the… Submitted by William rempel on October 05, 2020 - 2:28 AM yes we should abolish the squabbling over paid senate committee altogether. As we learned in the history chapter, Canada was once a colony of Britain, but unlike many of England’s other colonies, Canada never experienced a sharp, clean break with the motherland.Canadian independence evolved slowly under British colonial supervision, and Canada’s system of government was largely copied from Britain — including the role of the British monarchy. Governments come and go – they can even be toppled – but Monarchy endures. If the monarchy cared about the future of the UK, why didn’t they step in while Labor threw open the floodgates of immigration in order to “rub the right’s noses in diversity?” I’m serious. The point of the Crown is to have an organisation that is not interested in secret agendas. Rupa Subramanya: Abolish the monarchy in Canada Rupa Subramanya. If the British were to abolish the monarchy, then that would have no legal effect on the constitutions of Australia, Canada, New Zealand or any of the 12 other Commonweatlh Realms, The Queen of Australia will still be The Queen of Australia and her son the legal successor. We should reform the monarchy. Of course It should. In 1963, the historian W. L. Morton published a splendid one-volume history of Canada. Monarchies were common in the 19th century […] Try refreshing your browser, or … The UK has an unwritten constitution, formed by custom and case law, but not codified in statute. The monarchy is up for debate, though it will likely survive Whether these events could actually lead to abolishment has royal experts torn. The continuity a Sovereign brings to their country ensures stability through a single figure, who often has the power to intervene should a situation require it, assisting in running the state as part of a system of checks and balances. The Crown has a much stronger legal basis here than in the United Kingdom. The NDP will hold a vote at their upcoming convention on deciding whether or not to abolish the Canadian Armed Forces. Canada pays $1.53 per capita each year when England pas $1.32 per capita each year. The following section provides an introduction to this debate by outlining different positions and their arguments, as well as summaries of public opinion polls in Canada on the monarchy. Probably because Canada doesn't actually pay for the Monarchy, only the Governor General (the British foot the bill) Hell no, we shouldn't abolish it. The debate on whether to keep the monarchy in Canada. Why Abolishing the Monarchy Matters. Well, we are (still) a constitutional monarchy, which means Queen Elizabeth II is our official head of state, and the GG is her representative in Canada, carrying out all of a monarch's duties. Backwards Britain: Why It’s Time to Abolish the Monarchy. The British monarchy is a sexist, racist, homophobic, religiously xenophobic, anti-democratic wealth concentrating institution. Today I will talk about whether or not the UK should abolish the monarchy. Yes, thanks to their great publicity stunt, which has made them look like “enlightened,” “relatable” and “modern” royals, I’m sure the money will roll right in for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Across the troubling, authoritarian Arab world, monarchies are sometimes more liberal than republics: both Jordan and Morocco display some feature of constitutional monarchy. Obviously, this is a high threshold to reach. We apologize, but this video has failed to load. Calls to abolish the monarchy aren't new. I'm tired of the govenor general going around on my money to wave her hand. 2) Constitutional Monarchy means stability. The leader is designed as the king or the queen. But even after that, Canada would still be a constitutional monarchy and the still-living monarch residing in the U.K. would still be the King or Queen of Canada. When you are working hard to put food on the table you are also paying for the queen's hat collection or for someones who you never met wedding. That, at least, is what people will tell you in republics like France, the United States or the previous Soviet Union. The British monarch is also head of state for 15 countries outside of the UK, the largest of which are Canada, Australia and New Zealand. ... and the monarchy is itself a preposterous legal anachronism most Canadians are barely aware of. Others believe the Queen is too distant to be relevant to Canadians. Why should the senate be abolished? A debate exists in Australia over whether the country should adopt a republican form of government and abandon its current constitutional monarchy. the middle class are clamoring for acceptance in the upper classes and are too preoccupied to care. Canada state visit, ... Why UK should abolish its 'failed' monarchy. All of this is, you might complain, is rehashing ancient history. The abolition of monarchy involves the ending of monarchical elements in government, usually hereditary.. Mike Bird. While all important decisions are made by MPs in modern times, the Monarch gives ‘final approval’ and signs off all our laws. In other words, it would be possible to abolish or replace the Monarchy in Canada, but every province and the federal government would have to agree. One of Britan's main tourist attractions is the palace and the royal family;if we “abolish” the royal family the Britan will lost one of it's main tourist attraction and thus lose lots of money. Canadians cannot avoid discussion about what comes next. Google “abolish the crown Canada” and you will find plenty of articles about monarchy, but none of them are explicitly about abolishing the Crown. Why should the senate be abolished? One person’s moving forward is of course another’s moving backwards. Should Canada Abolish The Monarchy? "The time has come: let's abolish the monarchy," she said. We need to abolish the monarchy – because it’s not fair on anyone, including the royals. Once upon a time, virtually every country in the western world had some sort of king and royal family. to abolish the monarchy the working class would have to rise up and revolt, and that’s not happening because they have been browbeaten into submission. We fought the War of 1812 to keep the monarchy and parliamentary system and … I wanted to see the buildings and museums. Then you take away their wealth. This call to abolish the monarchy isn't new. If Canada were to abolish the monarchy, Macfarlane said the next natural step would be from a constitutional monarchy to a republic, like that of the United States.
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