An installment in any long running series that is widely held to be of notably poorer quality than the other installments. The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles was a TV series produced by George Lucas in the early 1990s. The Indiana Jones Expanded Universe consists of the normally expected items: television series, novels, comic books, pinball machines, and video games, plus the most definitely unusual ride at Disneyland and the stage show at Walt Disney World.. Das Sporking is a small sporking community originally on LiveJournal, before moving to Dreamwidth in 2017.It was originally a solo sporking community for Das Mervin, a LiveJournal user most famous for her breakdown of the Twilight series. Not all villains are born.Some are made, and none are more tragic than the Fallen Hero. Hell, the Inferno, Hades, H-E-Double Hockey Sticks, "HFIL", the "Shadow Realm", whatever you want to call it, is where sinners eternally suffer after they die.. Maybe it's full of fire and brimstone.Or it's the pain of nonexistence, where everyone goes when they die. Over time, it has evolved to accept sporkings from all of its members. Often tied to the dislike of a specific arc, but can also befall episodic shows.
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